In the case of pattern creation through the user interface, you would drag and drop the script package onto the virtual image part. 通过用户界面创建模式时,您应该将脚本包拖放到虚拟映像部件之上。
In the case of the CRM business process, a UML diagram was created to document the design pattern guiding the creation of any new playbook. 在CRM业务过程的情况下,创建UML图以编制指导新剧本的创建的设计模式。
When the pattern is deployed, each of the parts in the pattern results in the creation of a virtual machine containing the WebSphere Application Server node type represented by the part ( Figure 2). 当模式完成部署后,模式中的每个部分都会导致创建一个虚拟机,其中包含由该部分表示的WebsphereApplicationServer节点类型(图2)。
Since it is thread safe by design, you might cache it in a public static final variable, or wrap it in a singleton pattern after creation for later access. 因为根据设计它是线程安全的,创建它之后可以把它缓存在一个公共静态最终变量中,或者包装在单实例模式中以供以后访问。
If you enter the key only ( or even if you just enter a value), you will be given the opportunity to enter or override that value at pattern creation or pattern deployment time. 如果您只输入键(或者甚至只输入一个值),您就有机会在模式创建或部署时输入或覆盖那个值。
To implement spinners in PHP, you follow a standard pattern for server-side creation of DHTML code, bracketing segments of HTML in start and end functions. 为在PHP中实现微调控制项,采用服务器端创建DHTML代码的标准模式即可,在start和end函数中划分HTML的各部分。
The pattern of object creation and object death in this application benefits from the gencon policy's absence of fragmentation and rapid collections of sparsely populated nurseries. 在这个应用程序中,对象创建和灭亡的模式受益于gencon策略没有碎片和稀疏填充婴儿区域的迅速收集。
Solutions implementing this pattern general involve the creation of both public and private process components. 实现这种模式的解决方案一般要涉及到创建公共流程组件和私有流程组件。
Adapter is a structural pattern that influences the creation of a class hierarchy ( as inheritance hierarchies) by decoupling an abstraction from the implementation so the two can vary independently. 适配器是一种结构模式,它通过对实现的抽象进行解耦来影响类层次(比如继承层次)的创建,因此两者可以单独改变。
The Mathematics Pattern Creation and Computer Simulation System Research on the Cord Dry Wire Drawing Craft 钢帘线干拉工艺数学模型的建立及计算机模拟系统的研究
Factory pattern is a common pattern for creation of polymorphic objects of different concrete types. 工厂模式是根据不同类型创建多态对象的一个常见方法。
Enterprise MTV as a Pattern of Creation and Communication in Corporate Image 企业音乐电视对企业形象的塑造与传播
The idea of the origination not only affects the shape of universal conception, but also becomes a pattern of creation. “开辟”观念不仅影响了宇宙观的生成过程,且成为创世的一个开端模式;
In analyzing the exemplar, JET simplifies the pattern creation process and makes this capability something that anyone can learn to use. 在分析样本的时候,JET简化了创建模式的过程,并且让所有人都能够学习使用。
Thinking Pattern of Medical Creation ──" Model of Zhang Zhongjing "and Modern Education of Chinese Medicine 医学创造的思维规律&张仲景模式与现代中医教育
Study on Development Pattern of Creation Agriculture in China: Initial Condition and Force-support System Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Polylactic Acid from Different Initial States 创意农业发展模式研究:初始条件与动力支撑
As one of literary genre, the novel having its own pattern of creation and basic attributes, is suitable for mini-novel. 小说作为一种文学体裁,它有自己的创作规律和基本属性,对于微型小说来说,也同样适用。
Then the thesis set forth four basic teaching patterns: emotion pattern, comprehension pattern, inquiry pattern and creation pattern, which can be referred to in teaching. 其次,根据散文审美规律和学生审美实践特征,提出了四种教学模式以供参考,即情感模式、感悟模式、探究模式和创造模式。
Based on these discussions and analysis, the authors suggest that structure planning of green space system in Nanjing should be based on the maintenance of landscape ecological process, pattern continuity, creation of ecological corridor and construction of a green humanized city. 在此基础上,提出了南京市绿地系统结构应从维护景观生态过程与格局连续性、注重生态廊道的建设、建设绿色人文城市等方面进行规划的设想。
Image Processing about Fringe Pattern Creation of Chromatic Map in Factory 条纹图的图像处理方法彩色工厂总图的制作
An attempt has been made to apply AI to a computer aided system for art pattern creation. 本文叙述了一个应用人工智能思想建立美术图案自动设计系统的尝试。
The pattern of novel creation changed from the old "generation after generation" into scholars 'original creation. 小说创作模式由原来的世代累积型转变为文人独创。
Overthrow the Creative Way under the Pattern of Traditional Creation 颠覆传统创意模式下的创意之路
Secondly, the digital television must break through traditional the television operation pattern creation new digital television operation pattern. 其次,数字电视需突破传统的电视运营模式建立新型的数字电视运营模式。
It has introduced principles and methods of design software in plane construction design, fractal graphics, and intelligent pattern creation system in modern tie-dyeing pattern design, and links between CAD of modern tie-dyeing pattern design, digital printing and digital textile. 具体阐述了计算机平面设计软件、分形图形学、智能图案创作系统对现代扎染图案创新的原理与方法,以及计算机辅助现代扎染图案设计与数字印花技术、数码纺织大环境在技术上的衔接等关系。
On the basis of analysis, the description is emphasized the design pattern of building and creation technique characteristics. 并以上述分析为基础,重点叙述了事件性纪念建筑的设计规律以及创作手法特点。
Modernistic erhu works have embodied the new pattern of traditional musical creation, which can bring the brand-new audition feeling to people. 现代派的二胡作品给人们带来了全新的听觉感受,体现了民族器乐创作的新格局。
The picture-reading times raises new requirement for pattern creation, which needs popularization, art up and efficiency. 读图时代对图案创作提出了新的要求,图案创作要大众化、追求艺术化、效率化。
War novels in the past, we often see is a traitor to foil the image, pattern of the character creation looked very thin, the lack of traitors and thought the image of in-depth reflection. 在以往的抗战题材小说中,我们看到的汉奸形象往往都是一种陪衬,模式化的性格塑造显得很单薄,缺乏对汉奸形象的深入反省与思考。
At present, although some people do research in pattern emotion and used it in the field of content-based image retrieval successfully, they have not used it in pattern creation yet. 目前也有人在研究图案的情感问题,并且在图像检索领域有所应用,却还没有将图像的情感结合到图案创作中去。